Cordyceps - English Version

Remarkable tonic for lung and kidney 

Some facts about benefit of this herb 

 1. According to the study, cordyceps increased 17 - hydroxycorticos-teroid and 17-ketosteroid levels (acting as a non toxic super-cortisone.
2. By using this herb, China women athletic  runner  has  9 times broke the world record (1993).
3. It has been known as an anti-cancer, anti-tumor and anti-infective agent.
Natural anti-stress and depression
 4. As a builder of blood - very good for anemic- anemia.

Benefits and advantages of cordyceps
1, Researchers found Cordyceps can lower blog pressure that is too high and at the same time increase the blood supply. Cordyceps could slower the heart rate and improving blood supply to the heart and arteries. Its has calming effect which give benefit to high blood pressure.
2. Cordyceps help to reduce asthma and other respiration diseases. It could soothe the bronchial wall at the same time acted as an anti inflammatory.  

3. Researchers also found that Cordycept able to renew the ability of male sex. The components in this herb act effectively on the male hormone, particularly the young gives back the energy function and stamina.

4. Cordyceps also helps increase energy levels. In fact, Cordyceps has the ability to improve and increase adrenaline level.

5. The researchers found that Cordyceps is anti-aging/ an amazing anti aging. . Cordyceps helps prevent the formation of lipid "peroxides (free radical promoter age / age-inducing harmful) and prevents the formation of other free radicals in the brain. Cordyceps provides significant protection against the pollution that occurs in our environment, particularly contamination of food and water.
6. The researchers found
Cordycept helps regulate blood sugar. This herb is very helpful in fighting diabetes / diabetes.

7. Cordyceps help improve memory as well as  sharpens the mind. It also has a natural relaxing effect caused by the acid component amino, glutamic acid, tyrosine and L-typtophan. This herb has great potential and benefit in reducing and overcoming depression / stress.
8. Cordyceps helps absorb other nutrient and  vitamins more effectively, When the Cordycept is consume on a regular basis it will help to absorb the vitamin and nutrient from our diet.

9. Cordyceps also the blood builder and build purifier. The study found that it is capable to help anemia patience due to its ability to form bone / bone marrow and computation platet count. This herb is also significant in helping to normalize arrhythmia (heart rhythm instability / irregular heartbeats) and help blood flow / blood flow to the heart. 

10. Even patients with chronic hepatitis B found that this herbal extract would help to increase the level of albumin in the blood as well as helping to improve heart \ liver and protein metabolism. Other studies also found that Cordycept also lowers cholesterol and triglyceride levels.


This herb has been used since ancient China and being used by the Emperor of China. It  help to strengthen and rebuild the body, especially after exhaustion or after a long illness that is often associated with poor kidney function. Great results have been reported, especially related to kidney disease, especially kidney failure. According to the study, cordyceps increased 17 - hydroxycorticos-teroid and 17-ketosteroid levels (acting as a non toxic super-cortisone. 
According to Chinese medicine, problems related to the kidney can be seen through the symptoms of extreme fatigue / chronic fatigue, joint pain and back, ringing in the ears, various types of sexual problems like erectile dysfunction / impotence.  Cordyceps can solve this problem. Cordyceps like a team player because the effect of helping many parts of the body. Research shows that it effects the whole world is wide for the internal organs and help to clean blood or blood purification. 

Hobbs, C., "Cordyceps sinensis," in Medicinal Mushrooms, An Exploration of Tradition, Healing andCulture, Interweave Press: Loveland, CO, 1996, pp. 81-86.
Stamets, P., "Cordyceps sinensis," in Mycomedicinals, MycoMedia: Olympia, WA, 1998, p. 22-23. Hubbs

If you interested to buy we have stock for this herb. Only USD 15 per bottle .  You can see the photo attached in this pages. The price is not include the postal. Do not hesitate to email me at 

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